Davey Spa-Quip QB 3.0HP / 2200W - 1 Speed Spa Booster Pump - AMP Plug - QB3001-AMP

Davey Spa-Quip QB 3.0HP / 2200W - 1 Speed Spa Booster Pump - AMP Plug - QB3001-AMP

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Davey Spa-Quip QB 3.0HP / 2200W - 1 Speed Spa Booster Pump - AMP Plug - QB3001-AMP

This single-speed spa pump from Davey is designed for low energy and high-performance relaxation. Packed inside are corrosion-resistant materials, a full metal jacket capacitor and a shielded yoke. The most powerful spa pump on the market runs surprisingly quietly, utilising large suction and discharge outlets. Buy the Davey Spa-Quip QB for the lowest price found anywhere, only at Best Pool Supplies.

Spa-Quip QB Features

-    Energy efficient

-    Stainless steel pump shaft

-    Low noise levels

-    Shielded yoke design

-    Metal jacket capacitor

-    Horizontal or vertical discharge

-    Corrosion-resistant 316SS pump shaft

-    Three drainage points

-    Large suction and discharge outlets

How it works 

Look inside the pump housing, and you’ll find quality craftsmanship. The shielded yoke provides a shield from leaking, exceeding all industry standards. Large suction and discharge outlets are responsible for higher performance at lower noise levels. A solid performer even in saltwater applications, the corrosion-resistant 316SS pump shaft extends the pump life dramatically. Finally, the metal jacket capacitor offers greater dependability and long service life.

When it comes to spa pumps, efficiency is key to saving money on power bills. The single-speed motor provides ample power without using too much energy. Whether it's the smallest of backyard spas or the largest of swim spas, Spa-Quip QB delivers intense jet pressure.

Other features inside the Spa-Quip QB are there for straightforward installation and maintenance. Take its three draining points, for example, which provide easy drainage and clearing of airlocks. Horizontal or vertical discharge options make for flexibility during installation. Finally, optional mounting pads raise the pump height, further reducing vibration and therefore pump noise.


Australian company Davey Water Products, promise a two-year replacement warranty for the Spa-Quip QB.



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