Davey Peristaltic pH Pump Auto Dosing Acid Feeder

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Davey Peristaltic pH Pump Auto Dosing Acid Feeder


Davey Peristaltic pH Pump Auto Dosing Acid Feeder


• Residential backyard swimming pools

WHY CHOOSE the Davey Peristaltic pH monitoring and auto-dosing pump?

  • Automatically doses and maintains safe pH acid levels in your pool
  • Maximises the value and enjoyment of your pool
  • Low maintenance, less chemicals to handle and use
  • Easy to install - plug and play
  • Has low pH and high alarms which stop the pump and displays the current status
  • Compliments and assists in the disinfection of salt water chlorinators, chlorine and liquid chlorine systems
  • 100% compatible with pool acid commonly used to help balance your pool pH levels
  • Suitable for aftermarket and other non Davey chlorinators*

* For installation information and advice on connecting with Davey and non Davey Chlorinators please read the installation and operating instructions supplied with the product.

Warranty Period - 12 Months

pH Peristaltic Dosing Pump & Control Datasheet
pH Peristaltic Dosing Pump & Control Instruction Manual

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