Madimack MJ Box Pump Interface / Controller for Pool Heat Pumps

Madimack MJ Box Pump Interface / Controller for Pool Heat Pumps

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Madimack MJ Box Pump Interface / Controller for Pool Heat Pumps

Madimack MJ Box Pump Interface / Controller for Pool Heat Pumps - Allows the pool heater to activate the circulation pump, independent of the chlorinator.

Further Information:

In a typical pool, the filtration runs a few hours a day following a schedule. The filtration involves the operation of the chlorinator and the pool pump in conjunction.

To maintain the water at the desired temperature, it is possible that the heat pump would need to run outside the schedule and it will need the pool pump to run without the chlorinator working to avoid over chlorination.

The MJ Box will allow for this by connecting to the heat pump using the "demand heat" function.

Warranty - 1 Year

Madimack MJ Box Pump Interface / Controller Datasheet
Madimack MJ Box Pump Interface / Controller Manual

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