Davey ChloroMatic EcoSalt MES26C - Salt Water Chlorinator - (Discontinued)

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Davey ChloroMatic EcoSalt MES26C - Self Cleaning Salt Water Chlorinator - (Discontinued)

Available Online

Davey EcoSalt MES26C Water Chlorinator is the cost-effective, trustworthy and compact answer to automatic pool sanitising for secure and sparkling pool water. The Davey Ecosalt delivers swimming pool water sanitisation economically and for small to medium size pools.

Featuring 13 gram / hour to 26 gram / hour output, reverse polarity cell for longer life and easy maintenace as well as models with a digital time clock, the Davey EcoSalt gives you set and forget convenience and crystal clear swimming pool water.



  • EziSet digital timer for quick and simple set-up
  • User-friendly settings and controls
  • Safe automatic pool sanitising using natural salt
  • Reverse polarity electrolytic cell for low maintenance
  • Easy automation of your pool’s filtration system
  • Compact enclosure and cell housing made with corrosion resistant, UV stabilised materials for long service life
  • Barrel union connections for easy installation
  • Proven technology and outstanding reliability


Reverse Polarity Salt Water Chlorinators

The economical, simple and compact answer to automatic pool sanitising for safe and sparkling pool water.


Davey EcoSalt MES26C Water Chlorinator is the cost-effective, trustworthy and compact answer to automatic pool sanitising for secure and sparkling pool water. The Davey Ecosalt delivers swimming pool water sanitisation economically and for small to medium size pools.








  1. In ‘hard water’ applications (above 275ppm), reverse polarity systems will require regular (monthly) inspection and manual cleaning.
  2. The appropriate chlorinator size for your pool is dependent on the local climate and the bather load of the pool. Please note that chlorinator cell life can be increased with shorter running times during winter and lower output settings. Davey recommends that a chlorinator is run for between 6 - 8 hours a day during summer, and between 2 - 4 hours during winter.

Davey EcoSalt Brochure
Davey EcoSalt Manual

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